Question 1:
We gave out our questionnaire to a total of 20 people we knew liked horror films before we handed them out, as we wanted positive and reliable feed back about the genre. The results show that all of these people like the horror genre.
Question 2:
We gave our questionnaire to people near or under the age of 20, as we wanted to base our film around this age. The results show that most people are aged 18 – 20, so this gives us a rough age to aim our trailer at.
Question 3:
Question 4:
We asked what type of film people preferred and the majority of the people liked slasher films. This means that when making our trailer we will make it like a slasher film, as this is the type of film that our intended audience liked.
Question 5:We gave 4 options of films and asked what their favourite film was. The results showed that ‘Halloween’ was the most popular. This is a slasher film so we could base our trailer around this.
Question 6:We can see here that the least favourite of all horror films was nightmare on elm street although this is a slasher film as well I fear that the idea of death in your dreams was not as of good an idea than what people previously thought.
Question 5:We gave 4 options of films and asked what their favourite film was. The results showed that ‘Halloween’ was the most popular. This is a slasher film so we could base our trailer around this.
Question 6:We can see here that the least favourite of all horror films was nightmare on elm street although this is a slasher film as well I fear that the idea of death in your dreams was not as of good an idea than what people previously thought.
Question 7:
We asked whether people preferred going to the cinema or staying indoors to watch a horror film. The results where near enough equal but cinema being the favourite. Although cinema is expensive and sometime it is much cheaper to just rent a DVD and stay home you don’t get that cinema experience on the big screen and this why I think people prefer it, this shows us that our trailer has to show the film off to its best advantage so people would rather go and see it in the cinema rather than waiting for it to come out on DVD.
Question 8: With the question we wanted to find out the regularity which in people go to the cinema and a majority go about once a month shortly followed by the people that will only go when a really good film comes out.
Question 10: here we can see people love to watch films with their partner giving horror films a romantic side, shortly followed by friends speaking from experience they are the best people to watch horror films with as it seems more scary. So we will need to portray in our trailer that our film is great to watch with someone!
Question 11:The nest question we asked some people found really silly, but for us making the trailer this was great information for us. We asked whether people preferred to watch a long or short horror trailer, most people said they preferred long as it gives more away and make them want to go see it more where as the ones that said a short trailer think if the movie is good enough it will only need a short trailer to make the person want to go see it!
Question 12: We see here the most popular form of advertisement is a trailers and this is how people find out about up and coming films, this is important for us if people we more likely to read review than watch trailers then what would be the point in making them, but with films all the different types of advertisement are important.
Question 13: We asked people weather they watched the movie for the torture/killing or for the interest in the storyline and people were unsure what one to pick, we asked someone why they replied that the storyline is part of the killing/torture we asked the others if they agreed and they did. So we came to the conclusion that in our story line there has to be some killing or torture on show!
Question 14: this question was very important for us we needed to know whether they preferred the villain to live or die. Most people answer no “as it gives a chance for a squeal to come out” Where as the people answered yes “ it is nice to see the baddy die and for the victim to have a that little bit of victory at the end!” this leaves us with a dilemma having to decide what would be good for our film.
Question 15: We asked people to put down their favourite villain of all time and the main feedback was villains from the sub genre of Slasher films which tells us that our film should follow the same sort of codes and conventions as a slasher film has.
Question 16: This question gave us a very clear good idea what weapon we should use, from the results we can clearly see that a knife is the favourite chosen weapon. So we think this maybe our chosen choice of weapon for our film.
Question 17: We asked whether the main character/villain should be male or female and all respondents said female once again this is like any other horror film and what the codes and conventions of a film say. Having this information gives us a good reason to have a female lead and know that people will not be put of by the idea.
Question 18: We asked our respondents whether they Downloaded or bought there film on DVD. And near enough all said they buy them and they buy them whenever they see a good offer on. This shows us that DVDs are still one of the most popular formats of watching a film!
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